Couchsurfing in Colombia

Couchsurfing in Colombia is huge! If you still don’t know, go check it right now. It’s a community of people for hospitality exchange: hosts and guests meet each other on the website, check their respective profiles, and if they like it, bingo, one has the accomodation for free with a local person, the other has… Continua a leggere Couchsurfing in Colombia

Salsa music in Panama

OK I´m already late updating the blog, but I´ve been 5 days in the sea sailing from Panama´to Cartagena (Colombia)… I´ll write later about this great experience, but now it´s time for the first post about the Salsa. The Salsa in Panama´city. In Panama´, Salsa music is everywhere. I mean that it´s enough to step… Continua a leggere Salsa music in Panama